UVC Lights


Anybody that has or manages Hvac Systems, knows how difficult, and yet important to keep the maintenances up-to-date, once the system (mainly the filters, coils and ducts) are mold breeding focus, beyond many other microorganisms that prejudice the air quality, as it is harmful for the users’ health.

The Solution for this purpose comes besides improving the air quality, by removing existent bacterias, mold and viruses present in (all of) the hvac systems, will also make you save money, here’s how.

Avoid Mold, Bacterias and Viruses In Your Hvac System

The UVC Emitters® uses Germicidal ultraviolet-C energy to eradicate both surface and airborne mold, beyond bacterias and viruses, causing cell death, or preventing their replication, thus, removing them, improving the air quality of the ventilated ambients, so read on.

Enhance the air quality, preventing Health Harms for the users

Getting rid of the microorganisms present all over the hvac system, but mostly in the filters (the most conducive place for the reproduction of them), big part (change) of the illnesses and discomfort of the users of the building will be solved. Once you have the ducts and filters safely cleaned, it will be possible to ditch the chemicals often used for cleaning, making the air cleaner and odorless, and it doesn’t stop here.

Postpone Maintenance
The emitter prevents the generation of the biggest cause of maintenance and operational problems in the Hvac system, the microorganisms reproducing at the coils, ducts and filters impairs proper functioning. The UVC Emitters® cancel the replication and eliminates the present microorganisms, which makes the air flow much better besides being harmless to the health of the users
Save money
The prevention of maintenance and technical problems due the replication of viruses, molds and bacterias ahead of time saves you time and money! Where the return on the investments comes often in ​less than a year​, and the air quality difference is noticed in a few weeks.

Order your UVC Emitter® today. Thermodynamics will offer the best conditions and services with 1 year warranty and excellent after sales support.
Call us, Text us or Email us(buttons) and text leads to whatsapp) for free consultation without commitment. We have a full team of professionals ready to suit any need in no time.

UVC lights have been used for decades in both air and water purification, but conventional devices do not function effectively under the hvac systems conditions.

The Emitters we represent is designed to produce high output in cold and moving air. Using UVC irradiation as an effective inactivation method for mold bacterias and viruses

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